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Childcare and Workplace Nursery benefit

 Find out more about our childcare and workplace nursery benefit.

The St Mary's childcare voucher scheme (via Computershare), along with all such childcare voucher schemes, closed to new members in Autumn 2018.

The Government's new Tax-Free Childcare scheme has been introduced to assist parents with the cost of childcare.

Your personal circumstances will determine which scheme will be best for your family. For further advice, visit the Childcare Choices website.

Our Childcare Voucher scheme is administered by Computershare - vouchers can be used to pay for any form of registered childcare, such as nurseries, child minders and out of school hours schemes.

For further information on the scheme please see the Computershare Information Pack, contact Computershare vouchers on 0345 002 1111 or visit Computershare website​

Computershare Employee Reference Number: 0000 370 431​.

What is the workplace nursery benefit?

This benefit enables parents who have chosen nursery care for their child whilst they are at work to save tax and NI on all of their nursery fees up to the age of five.

In order for you to use “a workplace nursery”, your employer must partner with a chosen nursery (or nurseries). The cost of this provision is then recouped back from your gross salary. This enables you to save tax and NI on the full amount of fees. St Mary's University has partnered with EnjoyBenefits to facilitate the benefit provision.

To meet the legislative conditions, the following steps must be undertaken.

  • The University will provide additional funding to the nursery over and above the monthly nursery fees. This is set at a maximum of £1,200 per annum (£1,800 per annum effective 1st April 2025) and the money is paid monthly. This funding is taken from the Employers NI saving they make and is not a cost to you as the employee (providing the contract runs to its full term).
  • There must be a relationship between the nursery and the University - this is facilitated by EnjoyBenefits.


1. How much do my nursery fees need to be in order to qualify?

Effective from 1st January 2023, monthly nursery fees need to be at least £650. From 1st April 2025, this increases to £1,000 per month.

2. My nursery fees vary each month; can I still use this benefit?

Yes! The nursery will confirm the fees for the period of the contract before commencement of the contract. As long as we are advised, with appropriate notice, of any fee changes, it isn’t a problem.

3. I get some free hours from the government. Can these be taken into account?

Again, the nursery will confirm the correct fees taking into account government funding. They are able to deduct the free hours from your bill and inform us of the outstanding amount. If the nursery isn’t aware at the beginning of the agreement, as long as we are given 4 weeks’ notice from the nursery, we can alter the fees we already have confirmed.

4. How long is the agreement term, and how will deductions be taken from my salary?

EnjoyBenefits offer 12 month contracts. Once you have a contract in place, EnjoyBenefits contact you two months prior to the end of the contract to see if you wish to take up a new agreement.

As regards deductions - these will be made via salary sacrifice ie you agree to reduce your salary, and the University then pays the difference to your nursery. As you’re effectively earning a lower salary, both you and your employer pay lower National Insurance contributions (NICs). The University uses the employer "saving" in NICs to cover the £100 (£150 from 1st April 2025) monthly additional funding paid to your nursery each month.

5. What if I decide to leave my employment or move nurseries during the agreement?

As the agreement is contractual, if you leave, you would need to give EnjoyBenefits one months’ notice and a cancellation charge will apply. The nursery fee deduction will stop but the nursery will still be entitled to their additional funding as paid for by the University until the end of the agreement -  the outstanding amount, along with the cancellation charge will be deducted from your final salary (taken from net salary).

6. Is there a capped amount as to how much I can have deducted?

No. The only thing you need to be wary of is if the salary deduction will take you below minimum wage. If so, you wouldn’t be able to deduct the full amount, just as much as your salary allows.

7. How much funding does my nursery receive?

The nursery will receive a maximum of £100 extra (£150 from 1st April 2025) per month or £1200 (£1,800 from 1st April 2025) per year per agreement. This is money that must be used towards the running and upkeep of the nursery. Examples of such are the purchase of outdoor equipment for the children, staff training, paying for outsourced companies like Zoolab and dance/ballet lessons, day trips and indoor equipment.

8. I have more than one child in nursery; can I use the workplace nursery scheme for both of their fees?

Yes. If both children are in the nursery from the start of the first agreement then both children will be added onto one contract. If one child starts later than the first child then two separate agreements are set up and the nursery will receive two lots of funding. Again, the only thing to monitor is that the deduction of both fees doesn’t take you below minimum wage.

9. Does my employer only partner with one nursery?

No, they can partner with as many nurseries as they like.

10. When can I start?

Call EnjoyBenefits on 0800 088 7315 or email for a calculation.

Please visit the enjoy benefits website for more information on the workplace nursery benefit.