There are five committees of the Board of Governors:
Academic Scrutiny Committee
The main aim of the Academic Scrutiny Committee is to provide academic oversight and to scrutinise the Academic Board and the Senior Management Team ensure the highest standards of learning, teaching and research are met in order to enhance the academic experience and student outcomes.
Audit Committee
The aim of the Audit Committee is to advise the University on the adequacy and effectiveness of its systems of internal control and current arrangements for risk management, control and governance processes, compliance, and securing efficiency and effectiveness.
Finance and Resources Committee
The purpose of the Finance and Resources Committee is to advise the Board of Governors on financial strategy, financial sustainability and to review staffing strategies and policies including pension arrangements. They are also expected to advise the Board on infrastructure matters including Information Technology and Estates Strategies.
Nominations and Governance Committee
The main purpose of the Nominations and Governance Committee is to make recommendations to the Board on the appointment of Governors, on the chairing and membership of committees and for the efficiency and effectiveness of governance.
Remuneration Committee
The purpose of the Remuneration Committee is to determine the remuneration of the Vice-Chancellor, the University Secretary and such other senior staff as may be brought within the purview of the Committee.
Other Committees and documents:
Academic Strategy, Portfolio and Student Experience Committee
Data issues and Themes - progress and owners May 2021
Data Governance Group ToR 23 June 2021
View the committee structure
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