Fr. Innocent Abonyi
am a British-Nigerian national. I am a priest in the Order of the Missionary Society of St. Paul, Nigeria. Since 2009, I have served as a priest in England and Wales: High Wycombe (Buckinghamshire), Gravesend (Kent), Brixton (London) and Llandudno (Conwy).
PhD title: Moral Dilemmas of Humanitarian Aid: An Inquiry into the Humanitarian Ministry of the Irish Catholic Missionaries in Biafra from 1967 to 1970.
Fr. Harrison Ayre
Fr. Harrison is a priest of the Diocese of Victoria, currently serving at St Peter's Parish in Nanaimo, BC. He is currently studying the relationship between history and ontology in the thought of Joseph Ratzinger.
PhD title: History Mediates Salvation - The Sacramental-Apocalyptic Character of Joseph Ratzinger's Theological Project.
Michael Hanley
I am the Head of School at Wy'East Mountain Academy in Mt Hood, Oregon USA. We have students from ten different nations who come to balance their time between academics and the action sports of snowboarding, skateboarding, freeskiing and mountain biking. I am on the National Faculty for the United States Ski and Snowboard Association for Sport Education and I continue to work internationally as a consultant in high performance sport and school accreditation.
PhD title: The role of Anglo-Saxon missionaries in the Pipinid usurpation of the Merovingian Dynasty.
Louise Joyner
Louise teaches history of art at the Legion of Christ College of Humanities in Cheshire, Connecticut; a seminary of the pontifical Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ. She is an oblate of Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey; a Benedictine community belonging to the Solesmes Congregation.
PhD title: Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman (1801-1890): Sacred Art as an Instrument of Ascent to God through the Senses.
Andrew Kellogg

I graduated with my BA in philosophy and theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville, and my MA in theology from Holy Apostles College & Seminary; my interest lies in fundamental theology. I live in Phoenix, AZ, run my own company and enjoy reading, running, and traveling.
PhD title: The Catholic Notion of Revelation: A Theological Analysis of the Traditional Notion of Revelation in Light of Shifting Perspectives in 20th Century Catholic Theology.
Nancy McCarthy
I'm Nancy McCarthy, a Floridian, with a background in journalism and publishing along with a decade of stage work. These are the foundations that brought me to spiritual theology and a life in service to Christ.
PhD title: In Union with God: How the Spiritual Theology of Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange and the Mystical Charism of St. Pio of Pietrelcina's Stigmata Intersect in the Pre-Conciliar Church.
Fr. Alan McDonald
Fr. Alan was born in Lancashire and ordained to the priesthood in July 2011 for diocese of Dallas. He is Vice Rector of Redemptoris Mater Diocesan Missionary Seminary, Dallas.
PhD title: The Paschal Banquet: Food for Eternal Life.
Dom Ildephonse Swithinbank

Dom IldeIphonse is a monk of the Monastere Saint Benoit in Brignoles (Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon), where he professed vows in 2017. His reading of theology started before entering the monastery but with only incidental studies alongside his usual work. Within the monastery, the monks live a classical life integrating intellectual and manual work with the sacred liturgy from which the daily rhythm is derived.
PhD title: Theology of the Church Fathers according to monks of the twelfth century.
Carlos Taja
Carlos served the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for thirteen years as a senior staff theologian overseeing the doctrinal review of religion textbooks for conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church on behalf of the bishops. He has taught theology at three universities and numerous (arch)dioceses throughout the United States.
PhD title: The Relationship between Faith and Piety in Bonaventure's Collationes de septem donis Spiritus Sanctus and the Breviloquium.
Fr. Jojappa Tulimelli
Fr. Jojappa was ordained to the priesthood in the diocese of Vijayawada, India in April 20210. Since 2014 he has been working as a missionary in the diocese of Passau, Germany.
PhD title: Eucharist is the source of union with God: a comparative study with the mysticism of Abhishiktananda.
Fr. Johannes van Voorst
Fr Johannes is a priest of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, with a Masters from the ITI in Austria, several years of pastoral experience in The Netherlands, and several years of Licentiate Studies in Thomistic Philosophy in Italy, now in ministry in parishes outside of Maastricht, The Netherlands. It is a real privilege to combine it with theological research.
PhD title: What is Pope John Paul II’s contribution to Theology regarding the Sacrificial Character of the Holy Mass?
Matthew Weller
Matthew lives in the United States, where he has just retired from military service. He has a Master of Arts in Theology from Newman University in Wichita, Kansas, where he researched the influence of liturgy and scripture on First Crusade motivation and ideology. His research interests include medieval church history, the Crusades, the military-religious orders, and the Latin East.
PhD title: The Influence of Crusading Memory and the Military Religious Orders on English Chivalric Identity 1377-1540.