26th May 2021 PGCE Primary Online Open Event This session is a comprehensive introduction to see if teacher training is a possible next step for you.
26th May 2021 PGCE Secondary Online Open Event This session is a comprehensive introduction to see if teacher training is a possible next step for you.
21st May 2021 TEDxStMarysUniversity: Beyond the Boundaries of Discipline St Mary’s University is delighted to announce TEDxStMarysUniversity an afternoon and evening of enlightening and exciting 18-minute talks.
20th May 2021 Parent and Guardians' Online Information Evening Supporting the parents and guardians of year 12 and year 13 students who are considering their next steps in the university application p...
15th May 2021 Undergraduate Virtual Taster Day Whether you've already applied or are interested in applying for 2021, our undergraduate taster day is a great opportunity to find out mo...
12th May 2021 Analysis Insights Join discussion-based webinars with experienced practitioners from a variety of backgrounds, countries and sports.
5th May 2021 Rerum Novarum 130 Years on The Future of the World of Work Hosted by the Cluster for Catholic Public Initiatives and Global Service