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Statement of Intent


The University's senior management has overall responsibility for health and safety within the University. The Chief Operating Officer is the senior officer of the University and has overall executive responsibility for managing health and safety. In this the Chief Operating Officer is supported by the University Health and Safety Officer, to whom day-to-day responsibility is delegated.

Further details of the health and safety management arrangements are given in the Health and Safety Statement and Policy.

University Health and Safety Committee

Advice is provided to senior staff through the University's Health and Safety Sub-Committee (HSSC), which develops health and safety policy, monitors performance, and acts as a consultative body with employee representatives. The HSSC reports directly to the Finance and Resources Committee. 

If you wish to raise any health and safety matters with the committee please contact the appropriate committee member at a local level, i.e. within the Faculty / Service. Union members should contact their Safety Representative; non-union members should contact their Faculty / Service Health and Safety Co-ordinator.

Any issues raised will be dealt with at the local level in the first instance. However, if your concern can not be resolved at this level it will go to Committee level. This will then be dealt with by the HSSC and escalated further if needed.

Faculty / Service Management

The Head of the Faculty / Service is responsible for the Health and Safety of all work activities carried out by staff and students within their area. They may delegate responsibilities / actions to managers, principal investigators, and section heads. Each Faculty / Service must develop, implement and maintain an effective Health and Safety Management System, incorporating:

  • Risk assessments
  • Development of safe operating procedures
  • Training
  • Emergency response
  • Consultation and communication with staff and students
  • Maintenance of local records
  • Workplace inspections
  • Investigation of accidents and incidents
  • Regular review of performance
  • Reporting of performance to the University Health and Safety Sub-Committee as requested.

Each Faculty / Service should have its own local Health and Safety Code, which explains the local management arrangements and provides essential information for staff and students.

Faculty / Service Health and Safety Co-ordinators are appointed locally by the Heads of Faculties / Services to act on behalf of the Head to co-ordinate Health and Safety arrangements. Further details on the duties of a Health & Safety Co-ordinator are given in Health & Safety Roles and Responsibilities document.

Personal Responsibilities

Staff and students must take reasonable care for their own Health and Safety and that of others who may be affected by what they do, or fail to do, at work and study. Everyone is encouraged to be proactive in Health and Safety, by following safe working procedures; by ensuring they know and follow the emergency arrangements; and by reporting all accidents, near misses, unsafe activities and occupational disease or ill-health to their line manager/supervisor. In summary, staff and students whilst at St Mary's shall :

  • Take reasonable care for the Health and Safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their work.
  • Co-operate with the University and others who may have legal responsibilities to enable them to comply with their Act or associated Acts.
  • No one shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything required by law and provided in the interests of Health and Safety.
  • Health & Safety is the responsibility of everyone.