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Parents & Carers' Staff Network



St Mary’s is committed to supporting all staff achieving a good work life balance in order to continue excelling at work whilst being able to balance their caring responsibilities. 

The network is open and welcomes all staff who are parents and those who are balancing work with caring responsibilities for family members. We aim to provide a supportive space and the opportunity to share experiences.

To support staff working flexibly we endeavour to hold events at different times and days of the week, and where possible allow for hybrid sessions, so you can attend remotely.


Please contact Jane Chambers or Sheela Patel on if you would like more information, or to join the distribution list for upcoming events.

As members your insight is invaluable. Please do forward any suggestions for future events to us. We hope to hold two events per semester.


Young Carers Week

Date: Wednesday 13th March 2024.

Details to follow.

Memory Walk as part of Dementia Awareness Week

Date: Wednesday 15th May 2024, 1pm.

Where and when: Please meet at Main Reception at 1pm.

Carers Week

Date: June.

Details to follow.

Informal network catch ups

Our informal Parents and Carers' Network catch ups are a chance to meet with other colleagues in the network, and to have an informal discussion.

Wednesday 31st January 2024

From 12.30-1.30pm in the Dolce Vita Cafe.

Thursday 22nd February 2024

From 1-2pm via Teams

Tuesday 16th April 2024

From 4-5pm in the Dolce Vita Cafe.

Supporting material

Athena Swan