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Gender and ethnicity pay gap reporting

As part of St Mary’s commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), as embedded in our People Strategy, understanding systemic barriers to equality is of critical importance.

The University has a long tradition, in line with its mission and values, of widening access to education for all, while fostering respect and mutual tolerance in society as a whole. Consistent with our mission, we believe that pay inequities resulting from an individual’s gender or ethnicity are a key social and moral challenge that we are committed to tackling.

St Mary’s has completed a Gender Pay Gap report (GPG) in line with government regulations that seeks to understand pay inequities by gender at the University. In April 2023, St Mary's was awarded with the Athena Swan Bronze Award. 

In 2020, St Mary’s committed to the Race Equality Charter (REC), and therefore made an institution-wide commitment to better understand and improve current barriers to the representation, progression, and success of minority ethnic staff. In January 2024, we attained the REC Bronze Award. To support these efforts and further progress our institution-wide commitment to EDI, the university also now completes each year an Ethnicity Pay Gap (EGP) report - which seeks to understand pay inequities by ethnicity.

2024 Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report (published February 2025) - data snapshot from 31st March 2024.

Previous reports