**Applications are invited for 2024/25 WP Innovation Initiatives Grants.**
What is impact evaluation?
Impact evaluation aims to assess the contribution of an intervention to a particular outcome or set of outcomes.
For example: the effect of a mentoring scheme (the intervention) on mentees’ self-confidence (the outcome). These effects can be positive or negative, intended or unintended. There may also be no change/effect at all.
Why is it important to evaluate Widening Participation (WP) activities and initiatives?
Impact Evaluation helps us to understand what is and isn't working and where improvements need to be made. This is vital if inequality in Higher Education is to be eliminated.
When do I need to do my evaluation?
Think about evaluation at the design/planning stage of the WP activity (not at the end!).
Where can I get help with planning and designing my impact evaluation?
If you are a member of St Mary’s staff planning an activity or initiative focused upon widening participation, please contact Nicola Smith-Wilson (Widening Participation Research and Impact Evaluation Officer) nicola.smith-wilson@stmarys.ac.uk for help in planning and designing your evaluation.
Resources to help you plan your WP impact evaluation
Useful links