All of the work that we undertake in Widening Participation across the student lifecycle is overseen by the Head of Widening Participation, Nikki Anghileri (contact details below), but this is a university-wide priority and so the actions and initiatives undertaken to address and improve outcomes for graduating students progressing into work is primarily undertaken by our Employability Service, with input from Faculties and Institutes, Support Services, Professional Teams and the Students' Union (in fact, everyone plays a role in this!)
Our APP for 2019/20 and 2020-2024 can be found below:
If you have any questions or queries about any aspect of WP Progression, please don't hesitate to contact Nikki Anghileri, Head of Widening Participation via email ( or phone (ext 4238) or Yasmina Mallam-Hassam, Head of Employability Services via email (
- To reduce and eliminate any differences in progression between white and black students
- To reduce and eliminate any differences in progression between white and BAME students
- To reduce and eliminate any differences in progression between students with a registered disability and non-disabled students
This does not mean that we are ignoring any observed differences between other groups of students - far from it - but these are national targets which we are working towards.
The Careers Service at St Mary's coordinates the Be SMART programme. Be SMART empowers students from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds to recognise and promote the value in their difference and the unique strengths and perspectives bring to the workplace, enhances their employability, and supports them to achieve their future career goals through building the graduate career capital essential to succesful career development.
Be SMART was nominated for the 'Best Widening Participation Initiative' at the 2021 National Undergraduate Employability Awards.