Our mission is to work in partnership with Institutes, Faculties, Services, the St Mary's Student Union, and our Institutional partners to build an Inclusive learning environment, enhancing the learning opportunities available to our community of students and staff so they can flourish and reach their potential.
We will achieve this by promoting Widening Participation and the academic experience of Widening Participation students, leading Institutional projects and Policy developments that enhance the learning experience of all of our students, innovating in the provision of high quality continuing professional development for our staff, and through institutional leadership of Quality Assurance and Enhancement.
The Centre of Teaching Excellence and Student Success (CTESS) comprises four teams:
Learning and Teaching/Academic Professional Development
Academic Partnerships
Widening Participation
Our mission is to work in partnership with Institutes, Faculty, Professional Services, the Student Union and our Institutional partners to build an inclusive learning environment, enhancing the learning opportunities available to our students and staff so they can flourish and reach their potential.
We will achieve this by promoting Widening Participation and the academic experience of Widening Participation students, leading Institutional projects and policy developments that enhance the learning experience of all of our students, innovating in the provision of high quality continuing professional development for our staff, and through Institutional leadership of Quality Assurance and Enhancement.