There are a number of ways in which you can make a single gift to St Mary’s. If in any doubt, please do not hesitate to contact the Development Office by emailing
For all donations, we recommend you download and print off our Donation form form to ensure that your wishes are clearly understood and that we are able to maximise the value of your donation using the Gift Aid scheme.
Please make your cheque payable to St Mary’s University and send it to us at the address below.
CAF/GAYE Cheque/Voucher
Please send your completed Charities Aid Foundation or Give-As-You-Earn cheque/voucher, made out to St Mary’s University, to the Development Office, St Mary’s University, Waldegrave Road, Twickenham, TW1 4SX
Internet/Electronic Banking
Within the UK, you may make your gift via the BACS system by transferring funds to:
Account: SMU Development
Account Number: 13267857
Sort-Code: 20-00-00
International donors may make their gift via the SWIFT system using the following details:
International Bank Account Number (IBAN): GB74BARC20000013267857
Bank address: Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom, LE87 2BB
For both BACS and SWIFT payments, please reference your payments as “Development Fund” and include your full name.