Email: ashley.beck@stmarys.ac.uk
Ashley has taught theology at St Mary’s since 2008 and has been part of CERRL since 2022. Within the School of Education he teaches modules on Old Testament, New Testament, Ecclesiology and Moral Theology in the Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS) programme. He is also chaplain of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School in Beckenham, which serves the parish of West Wickham where he is based, and is a past (Southwark) diocesan representative on the Education Committee of the London Borough of Bromley. His two adult daughters were pupils at St Mary’s School and Coloma Convent Girls School in Croydon. In Education his best-known publication was a cover article in the Tablet, ‘Whose School is it Anyway?’, 9th October 2010. He is a past President of the Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain and is editor of the Pastoral Review.
Academic and Professional Qualifications:
- PhD 2013 University of Surrey
- Certificate in Theology 1985 Oriel College, Oxford and St Stephen’s House, Oxford
- MA Oxford University 1984
- Honour School of Theology 1984 (1st class honours) Oriel College, Oxford and St Stephen’s House, Oxford
- BA Oxford University 1981
- Honour School of Literae Humaniores (2nd class honours, examined viva voce for 1st class) 1981, Oriel College, Oxford (Exhibitioner, 1981)
- Classical Honour Moderations (2nd class honours) 1979, Oriel College, Oxford
Research profile
Main areas of Research/Scholarship:
- Healthcare resource allocation and Catholic social doctrine
- Catholic Social doctrine and Europe
- 20th century Church history
- Ecclesiology, political theology and the theologies of Liberation
- Theology of the permanent diaconate
- Catholic teaching about war and peace
- Liturgy
- The Catholic Church and Freemasonry
External involvement including consultancy, professional bodies and external examining including dates:
- Lecturer in Pastoral Ministry, St Mary’s University, Twickenham from 2011
- Programme Director, Foundation Degree in Pastoral Ministry from 2012
- Moderator, MA in Catholic School Leadership from 2012
- Reviews editor and Editorial Board member of The Pastoral Review from 2014
- External Examiner, FdA/BA Theology and Ministry and FdA Evangelism, Faculty of Education and Theology, York St John University from 2015
- External Examiner, Diploma in Diaconate Studies, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, from 2015
- Dean of Studies, Permanent Diaconate Formation Programme for the dioceses of Southwark, Westminster, Cardiff, Arundel and Brighton, Brentwood, East Anglia, Menevia, Northampton, Plymouth, Portsmouth, the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham and the Syro-Malabar Eparchy of Ujjain, from 1999
- Assistant Priest, St Edmund’s Parish, Beckenham, and Chaplain of St Mary’s Primary School, from 1996 (Chaplain of Bishop Challoner School, 1996-2000), Secretary, Bromley Deanery,1997-2004, Acting Dean of Bromley, 2004
- Research Assistant, Project on Healthcare Resource Allocation and Catholic Social Teaching, Centre for Bioethics and Emerging Technologies, St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, 2009-2010
- Visiting Lecturer, St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, 2008-2011
- Committee member, Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain, from 2012
- Member, Steering group and Board of the North European Circle of the International Diaconate Study Centre, from 2007 and co-editor, New Diaconal Review, 2007 – 2013
- Company Secretary, IDNECC Publishing Ltd, from 2008
- Member, Bishops Conference of England and Wales Committee for Ministerial Formation, 2004 - 2013
- Chair, National Conference of Directors of the Permanent Diaconate and Deacon Delegates, 2004 - 2013 (Vice-Chair, 2002-4)
- Representative of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales on the Management Committee of The Churches East-West European Network, now Faith in Europe, from 2002
- Trustee, Shepherds Bush Families Project and Children’s Centre, 1995 – 2001, 2012-2013 and from 2015, and Trustee, Brian Foster Foundation 2001, from 2001
- Representative of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales on The Churches Peace Forum 2002-2004
- Representative of the Archdiocese of Southwark, Bromley Education Committee and associated bodies, 1999-2005
- Foundation Governor, St Philomena’s Primary School, St Mary Cray, 1997-1999
- Oscar Romero Martyr for Faith (revised edition of earlier monograph) London: Catholic Truth Society 2015
- Benedict XV and World War I Courageous Prophet of Peace (revised edition of earlier monograph) London: Catholic Truth Society 2014
- (with Paul Gately and David Albert Jones) Healthcare Allocation and Justice – Applying Catholic Social Teaching London: Catholic Truth Society 2011
- Christians and the Euro Witney, Oxon.: Faith in Europe 2009
- Thomas Merton, London: Catholic Truth Society 2009
- Ronald Knox, London: Catholic Truth Society 2008
- Dorothy Day, London: Catholic Truth Society 2008
- Oscar Romero, London: Catholic Truth Society 2008
- Benedict XV, London: Catholic Truth Society 2007
- Europe’ s Soul and her Patron Saints, London: Catholic Truth Society 2007
- Freemasonry and the Christian Faith, London: Catholic Truth Society 2005
- (Editor, with Ros Hunt) Speaking Love’s Name London: Jubilee Group 1988
- ‘Popes and peace’ The Pilgrim issue 41 (August 2015)
- ‘Standing up against war’ The Pilgrim issue 40 (July 2015)
- ‘No Catholic is free to dissent from the teaching of Laudato Si’’ Catholic Herald blog 19 June 2015
- ‘What is a Just War?’ The Pilgrim issue 39 (June 2015)
- ‘Should a priest refuse to baptise the child of unwed parents?’ The Tablet blog 2 June 2015
- ‘How did early Christians view war?’ The Pilgrim issue 38 (May 2015)
- ‘Ordinariate needs to integrate into the Church’ The Tablet blog 10 April 2015
- ‘The Bible and War’ The Pilgrim issue 37 (April 2015)
- ‘What does the Sanctity of Human Life mean?’ The Pilgrim issue 36 (March 2015)
- ‘How Catholic Teaching about War Has Changed: The Issues in View’, New Blackfriars vol.96 no. 1062 (March 2015)
- ‘Catholic Teaching about War’ The Pilgrim issue 35 (February 2015)
- ‘Tainted Theology’ The Tablet blog 30 January 2015
- ‘The Monk with a prophetic message’ The Pilgrim issue 34 (December 2014)
- ‘The Radical Dorothy Day’ The Pilgrim issue 33 (November 2014)
- ‘The Benedictine Way’ The Pilgrim issue 32 (October 2014)
- ‘The Pope who tried to stop World War I’ The Pilgrim issue 31 (September 2014)
- ‘A Jewish saint for our times’ The Pilgrim issue 30 (August 2014)
- ‘A Saint from Sweden’ The Pilgrim issue 29 (July 2014)
- ‘Knox’sbrillianceisstillwithustoday’ ThePilgrimissue28(June2014)
- ‘Let’s celebrate the Catholic politician who believed Europe had a soul’ The Pilgrim issue 27 (May 2014)
- ‘The Mystical Vision of Catherine’ The Pilgrim issue 26 (April 2014)
- ‘The Courage of Archbishop Romero’ The Pilgrim issue 25 (March 2014)
- ‘What we should really celebrate on Valentine Day’ The Pilgrim issue 24 (February 2014)
- ‘A Peacemaker Betrayed’ The Catholic Herald 10 January 2014
- ‘The Peace Note of Pope Benedict XV’ Justpeace no. 297 (November/December 2013)
- ‘What Christmas Says about Social Justice‘ The Pilgrim issue 23 (December 2013)
- ‘The NHS must embrace the “option for the poor’’’ The Catholic Herald 18 March 2011
- ‘The Life of Catholic Schools’, The Pastoral Review Vol. 7 issue 5 (September/October 2011)
- ‘Deacons and the Euro II’ New Diaconal Review issue 7 (November 2011)
- ‘Is Remembrance Sunday Christian?’ The Pastoral Review Vol. 7 issue 6 (November/December 2011)
- ‘Making the Encyclicals Click: Catholic Social Teaching and Radical Traditions’ New Blackfriars vol. 93, issue 1044 (March 2012)
- ‘Sheltering under the Thorn Bush’ The Pastoral Review Vol. 8 issue 3 (May/June 2012)
- Sermon for Remembrance Sunday, The Preacher no. 147 (October 2012)
- ‘Deacons and the Praxis of the New English Translation of the Mass’ New Diaconal Review issue 9 (November 2012)
- ‘What is Catholic Social Teaching?’ The Pilgrim issue 13 (February 2013)
- ‘Should Catholics support the European Union?’ The Pilgrim issue 15 (April 2013)
- ‘What does Catholic Social Teaching say about Workers’ Rights?’ The Pilgrim issue 16 (May 2013)
- ‘Deacons and Dorothy Day’ New Diaconal Review issue 10 (May 2013)
- ‘Peace on Earth’ The Pilgrim issue 17 (June 2013)
- ‘Being Pro Life is Not Just About Abortion’ The Pilgrim issue 18 (July 2013)
- ‘ The Option for the Poor’ The Pilgrim issue 19 ( August 2013)
- ‘The Sin of Racism’ The Pilgrim issue 20 (September 2013)
- ‘The Church is not Anti-Women’ The Pilgrim issue 21 (October 2013)
- ‘Ideas for the “New Evangelisation”’ New Diaconal Review issue 11 (November 2013)
- ‘Deacons and the Great War Centenary’ New Diaconal Review issue 11 (November 2013
- ‘What a Feast Day Tells us about Totalitarianism’ The Pilgrim issue 22 (November 2013)
- ‘A ‘Communist’ on the road to canonisation’ (on Dorothy Day) The Catholic Herald 26 November 2010
- ‘Deacons and the Euro I’ New Diaconal Review issue 5 (November 2010)
- ‘ Whose School is It Anyway?’ The Tablet 9 October 2010
- ‘Catholic Social Teaching and Healthcare Resource Allocation II’ The Pastoral Review Vol. 6 issue 5 (September/October 2010)
- ‘Catholic Social Teaching and Healthcare Resource Allocation I’ The Pastoral Review Vol. 6 issue 4 (July/August 2010)
- ‘Christians and the Lisbon Treaty’ The Baptist Times 13 November 2009
- ‘Received with Thanks’ The Tablet 7 November 2009
- ‘Good Catholics Should Not Wear Aprons’ The Catholic Herald 30 October 2009
- ‘Face it: Most Anglicans are happy as they are’, The Catholic Herald 18 September 2009
- ‘More Souped-up Marxism? A summary and initial assessment of Pope Benedict X VI’ s encyclical Caritas in V eritate’, The P astoral Review V ol. 5 issue 5 (September/October 2009)
- Editorials (with Tony Schmitz) in the New Diaconal Review issue 1 (November 2008) issue 2 (May 2009), issue 3 (November 2009), issue 4 (May 2010) issue 5 (November 2010), issue 6 (May 2011), issue 7 (November 2011), issue 8 (May 2012), issue 9 (November 2012) issue 10 (May 2013) and issue 11 (November 2013)
- ‘Ahead of His Time’ (on Benedict XV) The Tablet 29 July 2007
- ‘Faith in Europe’ The Pastoral Review Vol.2 issue 6 (November/December 2006)
- ‘Spotlight on the Permanent Diaconate’ Briefing Vol. 34, issue 4 (July 2004)
- ‘Why the Church must help Europe recover its soul’ The Catholic Herald 11 March 2004
- Caldwell, Philip Liturgy as Revelation (Fortress 2914), Day, Juliette Reading the Liturgy (London: Bloomsbury 2104), Junker, Tercio, Prophetic Liturgy (Pickwick 2014) and Woltersdorff, Nicholas The God We Worship (Eerdmans 2015), The Pastoral Review Vol. 11 issue 4 (July/August 2915)
- Grygiel, Stanislaw Discovering the Human Person In Conversation with John Paul II (Eerdmans 2014) The Pastoral Review Vol. 11 issue 3 (May/June 2015)
- Conway, Eamonn, with Barry, Cathal Blueprint for the Church An Introduction to the Joy of the Gospel (Dublin: The Irish Catholic 2014) The Pastoral Review Vol. 11 issue 3 (May/June 2015)
- Radcliffe, T. Stations of the Cross (London: Bloomsbury Continuum 2015) The Pastoral Review Vol. 11 issue 2 (March/April 2015)
- Selby, P. An Idol Unmasked A Faith Perspective on Money (London: DLT 2014), The Pastoral Review Vol. 11 issue 1 (January/February 2015)
- Duffy, E. The Heart in Pilgrimage A Prayer Book for Catholic Christians (London: Continuum 2013), The Pastoral Review Vol. 10 issue 5 (November/December 2014)
- Trentaz, C. J. E. H. Theology in the Age of Global AIDS & HIV: Complicity and Possibility (New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2012), Theology & Sexuality Vol. 19 No. 2 (2013)
- Murray, P. Scars Essays, poems and meditations on affliction (London: Continuum 2014), The P astoral Review V ol. 10 issue 4 (July/ August 2014)
- Swinton, J. Dementia Living in the Memories of God (London: SCM 2012) The Pastoral Review Vol. 10 issue 4 (July/August 2014)
- Snape, M. and Madigan, E. (eds.) The Clergy in Khaki New Perspectives on British Army Chaplaincy in the First World War (Farnham: Ashgate 2013) and Todd. A. (ed.) Military Chaplaincy in Contention Chaplains, Churches and the Morality of Conflict (Farnham: Ashgate 2013), The Pastoral Review Vol. 10 issue 1 (January/February 2014)
- Chappell, K. and Davis, F. (eds.) Catholic Social Conscience: Reflection and Action on Catholic Social Teaching (Leominster: Gracewing 2011) The Pastoral Review Vol. 9 issue 6 (November/December 2013)
- Mitchell, J. Martyrdom A Very Short Introduction (Oxford 2012) and Sheldrake, P. Spirituality A Very Short Introduction (Oxford 2012) The Pastoral Review Vol. 9 issue 6 (November/December 2013)
- Towey, A. An Introduction to Christian Theology (London: Bloomsbury 2013) New Diaconal Review issue 11 (November 2013)
- Macpherson, D. Breaking Daily Bread A Resource for Preaching and Daily Meditation 2 vols. (London: Melisende 2012 and 2013) New Diaconal Review issue 11 (November 2013) and The Pastoral Review Vol. 10 Issue 1 (January/February 2014)
- Pinker, S. The Better Angels of Our Nature The Decline of Violence and Its Causes in History (London: Penguin 2011) The Pastoral Review Vol. 9 issue 4 (July/August 2013)
- Brown, P. Through the Eye of a Needle Wealth, The Fall of Rome and the Making of Christianity in the West 350 -550 AD (Princeton: Princeton University Press 2012), New Diaconal Review issue 10 (May 2013)
- Woods, R. and Tyler, P. The Bloomsbury Guide to Christian Spirituality (London: Bloomsbury 2012) The Pastoral Review Vol. 9 issue 2 (March/April 2013)
- O’Loughlin, T. Making the Most of the Lectionary (London: SPCK 2012) New Diaconal Review issue 9 (November 2012)
- Hollingworth, M. The Pilgrim City St Augustine of Hippo and his Innovation in Political Thought (London: Continuum 2010) New Diaconal Review issue 9 (November 2012) and The Pastoral Review Vol. 9 issue 6 (November/December 2013)
- Flynn, G. Murray, P., with Kelly, P. (eds.) Ressourcement A Movement for Renewal in Twentieth-Century Catholic Theology (Oxford: OUP 2012) The Pastoral Review Vol.8 issue 5 (September/October 2012)
- Groome, T. and Daley, M (eds.) Reclaiming Catholicism: Treasures Old and New (Orbis 2010) The Pastoral Review Vol. 8 issue 5 (September/October 2012)
- Iverleigh, A., and Griffin, K. Catholic Voices Putting the Case for the Church in an Era of 24-hour News (London: Darton, Longman and Todd 2011) The Pastoral Review Vol.8 issue 5 (September/October 2012)
- Christoyannopoulos, A. Christian Anarchism. A Political Commentary on the Gospel (Imprint Academic 2011) The Pastoral Review Vol. 8 issue 5 (September/October 2012)
- Graham, E., and Lowe, S. What Makes a Good City? Public Theology and the Urban Church (London: Darton, Longman and Todd 2009) The Pastoral Review Vol. 8 issue 4 (July/August 2012)
- Harries, R. Faith in Politics (London: Darton, Longman and Todd 2010) The Pastoral Review Vol.8 issue 4 (July/August 2012)
- Saward, J., Morrill, J. and Tomko, M (eds.) Firmly I Believe and Truly – The Spiritual Tradition of Catholic England 1483-1999 (Oxford University Press 2011), New Diaconal Review issue 8 (May 2012)
- Film: A Dangerous Method, dir. D. Cronenberg (2011), The Pastoral Review Vol. 8 issue 3 (May/June 2012)
- Davis, F . , Paulhus, E. and Bradstock, A. , Moral, But No Compass: Government, Church and the Future of Welfare (Chelmsford: Matthew James, 2008), The Pastoral Review Vol. 7 issue 5 (September/October 2011)
- Hughes, G. J. Fidelity without Fundamentalism A Dialogue with Tradition (London: DL T 2010), The Pastoral Review Vol. 7 Issue 4 (July/ August 2011)
- Hauerwas, S. A Cross-Shattered Church: Reclaiming the Theological Heart of Preaching (London: DLT 2010) and Northcott, M. Cuttle Fish, Clones and Cluster Bombs (London: DLT 2010), New Diaconal Review issue 6 (May 2011)
- Booth, P. Christian Perspectives on the Financial Crash (London: St Paul’s, 2010), New Diaconal Review issue 6 (May 2011)
- Reed, E. Work, for God’s Sake (London: DLT 2010) New Diaconal Review issue 6 (May 2011)
- Fforde, M. Desocialisation The Crisis of Modernity (Manchester: Gabriel 2009) The Pastoral Review Vol. 7 issue 1 (January/February 2011)
- (Featured review) Dullea, G. (ed.) Deacons: Ministers of Christ and of God’s Mysteries (Dublin: Veritas 2010) The Furrow December 2010
- Buxton, N. Tantalus and the Pelican (London: Continuum 2009) The Pastoral Review Vol. 6 issue 6 (November/December 2010)
- Wansbrough, H. The Use and Abuse of the Bible (London: Continuum 2009), New Diaconal Review issue 5 (November 2010)
- Egan, P. Philosophy and Catholic Theology A Primer (Collegeville: Liturgical Press 2009) New Diaconal Review issue 4 (May 2010)
- Kirwan, M. Political Theology A New Introduction (London: Darton, Longman and T odd 2009), The P astoral Review V ol. 6 issue 2 ( April/Ma y 2010)
- Duffy, E. The Fires of Faith (New Haven and London: Yale University Press 2009) The Pastoral Review Vol. 6 issue 1 (January/February 2010)
- Scott, M. The Eucharist and Social Justice (Paulist Press 2009) New Diaconal Review issue 3 (November 2009)
- O’Collins, G. and Hayes, M. (eds.) The Legacy of John Paul II (London: Continuum 2009), The Pastoral Review Vol. 5 issue 3 (May/June 2009)
- ‘Church History Chronicle 2008’ The Pastoral Review Vol. 5 issue 2 (March/April 2009)
- Klein, N. The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (London: Allen Lane 2007) The Pastoral Review Vol. 4, issue 1 (January/February 2008)
- O’Huallachain, D.L. and Sharpe, D. L. (eds.) Neo Conned! Just War Perspectives: A Condemnation of War in Iraq and Neo Conned! Again Hypocrisy
- Lawlessness and the Rape of Iraq ( Vienna, Virginia: IHS Press 2005) The Pastoral Review Vol. 3, issue 3 (May/June 2007)
- Keating, J. (ed.) The Deacon Reader (Leominster: Gracewing 2006) The Pastoral Review Vol. 2, issue 6 (November/December 2006)
- Windsor, C. Freemasonry and the Ministry (Penzance: Concilium publications 2005) Church of England Newspaper March 2006
- ‘Catholic Social Teaching Chronicle’ The Pastoral Review Vol. 2, issue 1 (January/ February 2006)
- Rigby, C. The Lord be with you: A Parish Priest Speaks with his people (Oxford: Family Publications 2003) The Pastoral Review Vol.1, issue 1 (January/February 2005)
Conference Presentations/Performances/Radio Broadcasts, etc:
- ‘Thought for the day’ broadcast talk on the encyclical Laudato Si’, Share Radio, Faith and Finance, 28 June 2015
- Orchard Lecture, ‘Benedict XV and World War I’, St Benedict’s School, Ealing, 12 November 2014
- Lecture, ‘How Catholic teaching on War and Peace has changed: the issues in view’ Catholic Theological Association conference, 8-11 September 2014
- Co-organiser (with Dr Francesca Knox), ‘Ronald Knox: A Man for all seasons’, Heythrop College, University of London, 24-25 May 2013, with paper, ‘Ronald Knox the Theologian.’
- Short paper, ‘Theology and the Centenary of the Great War’ Catholic Theological Association conference, ‘Church, Culture and Credibility’, Durham, 10-13 September 2012.
- Short paper ‘Abuse of Power and the Re-emergence of Militarism’ Conference ‘Redeeming Power: Overcoming Abuse in the Church’, St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, 4-5 September 2012.
- Contributor, ‘Ten key moments in the history of marriage’, BBC News Magazine, 14 March 2012.
- Lecture, ‘Catholic Social Teaching and Radical Traditions’, Catholic Theological Association conference, St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, 5-8 September 2011.
- Chair, ‘The Deacon in the Body of Christ’, Fifth National Assembly of Deacons in England and Wales and first International Study Conference, International Diaconate Study Centre North European Network, St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, 24-26 June 2011
- Contributor, ‘Big Issue’ discussion (on faith schools), Premier Radio, 12 October 2010
- Contributor, ‘The Pope’s British Divisions’, BBC Radio 4, 9 September 2010
- Chair, National Assembly of Deacons in England and Wales, ‘The Deacon: Icon of Christ’ Lowestoft, 4-6 February 2006
- Lecture: ‘Marriage and Cultural Rebellion’ as part of the Seminar Weekend on Marriage and Family Life organised by the Archdiocese of Southwark Marriage and Family Life SE Area Ministry, Bromley, 19-20 February 2000
- Lecture: ‘Justice and Peace in Marriage’, Bromley Deanery National Marriage Week event, 9 February 1998
Conferences and Courses attended:
- Catholic Theological Association conference, ‘Church, Theology and War: Remembrance and Collusion’, St Mary’s University, Twickenham , 8-11 September 2014
- Catholic Theological Association conference, ‘Augustine or Thomas in Catholic Theology?’, Durham, 9-12 September 2013
- Catholic Theological Association conference ‘Church, Culture and Credibility’, Durham, 10-13 September 2012
- ‘Redeeming Power: Overcoming Abuse in the Church’, St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, 4-5 September 2012
- Catholic Theological Association conference on Catholic Social Teaching, St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, 5-8 September 2011
- ‘Innovation in Healthcare’, organised by Public Service Events, Barbican Centre, 12 May 2011
- Catholic Theological Association conference on John Henry Newman, St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, September 2010
- Year of the Priest, St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, June 2010
- ‘Public Trust in the Professions: Ethics, Trust and Integrity’, organised by Interdisciplinary Ethics Applied, Staple Inn Hall, London, 25 February 2010
- Catholic Theological Association conference on Year of St Paul, Ushaw College, September 2009
- International Study Conference, ‘Diaconal Spirituality – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow’, Internationales Diakonatszentrum (IDZ/IDC), Cardinal König House, Vienna, March 2009
- Catholic Theological Association conference on Vatican II, Ushaw College, September 2008
- ‘Preaching in the Year of St Paul’, St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, June 2008
- Catholic Theological Association conference ‘The Eucharist: Some Contemporary Perspectives’, Ushaw College, September 2006
- Catholic Theological Association conference ‘The Hiddenness of God’, Trinity and All Saints College, Leeds, September 2003
- International Study Conference, ‘The Development of the Diaconate in the Parish – the role and commitment of Permanent Deacons’, Internationales Diakonatszentrum (IDZ/IDC), St Virgil Academy, Salzburg, March 2001
- International Conference to celebrate the Twentieth Anniversary of the foundation of the Linacre Centre, ‘Issues for a Catholic Bioethic’ Queens’ College, Cambridge, 28- 31 July 1997