St Mary’s is committed to providing our students with a transformational experience.
Offering strong support and intellectual challenge whilst they study with us and opportunities to be part of the wider St Mary’s community beyond their time here, we want our students to be highly skilled, informed and civically engaged. Vision 2030 sets out how we will do this, building on the successes of the past and setting our direction for the coming years.
In 2015, St Mary’s outlined some ambitious objectives for the next ten years. Thanks to our committed staff, we’ve achieved many of those goals. We’ve expanded our portfolio of courses, been granted the power to award research degrees, invested in new technology, grown our international student body and welcomed Mater Ecclesiae College alongside the University.
Now as we enter a new phase of the University’s growth, I believe it is time to revisit our ambitions and therefore, after consultation with our staff and students, we’ve refreshed our strategy to guide our actions for the next decade. Vision 2030 outlines our approach and forms the guiding structure for our supporting strategies, operating plans, and team and individual targets.
The vision comes at a decisive point in our institution’s (and indeed the world’s) history; the COVID-19 pandemic has been the greatest disruption we’ve faced in our lifetimes. However, despite the challenges, we’ve discovered new ways of working and teaching, and renewed our focus on living our values.
Vision 2030 reflects our optimism for the future of our institution. In 2025 we will celebrate our 175th anniversary. Our founders’ vision of education as an instrument for personal achievement and social equity is still very much alive and, I believe, more relevant than ever.
Anthony McClaran
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